Thursday, April 17, 2014

Facts that would interest you about ASP

Active server page or ASP is a programming language used by designers for creating web based apps, especially those which are dynamic in nature. Dynamic apps are those that change content according to the person using it, and his purpose of using the app. In simple words, this language allows creation of interactive web pages.

This is among the first languages used for scripting when businesses were trying to find means of improving web experience. The introduction of this language was nothing less than a breakthrough and despite new technologies coming up every single day; ASP is highly used by a huge number of websites.

Now let’s take a look at how it works. Active server page works by generating HTML codes formed by the programmer. All the .asp pages contain HTML and asp codes. The latter dictates how the HTML coding will be formed when the user requests it based on a couple of parameters.

This feature allows the programmer to take control of what a particular user will see depending on the utility of app. Database connectivity and control sequences are some of the features of this language which allows unlimited flexibility to the website development services providers in NYC.

It uses server-side scripting to produce a web page which is not affected by browser type or the website visitor. Its default scripting language is VBScript, although other scripting languages can also be used such as JScript (the Microsoft’s version of JavaScript).

Pages created using this language contain .asp extension instead of .htm. A page that has the former extension is interpreted by web servers when they are requested by browsers.

Web pages that are developed using ASP coding, cannot be run by simply opening them in web browsers. They can be run only when a web server that supports this language requests it. That is the reason; ASP stands for active server pages. If there is no server, there will be no active pages.

This language is used for changing, editing and adding content to a web page. By using it one can respond to data submitted via HTML forms and user queries. One can access different databases as well as customized web pages to make them more functional for users. It adds security to the pages since ASP codes are not viewable from browsers. Clever usage by programmer can reduce the network traffic as well.

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